Thursday, April 28, 2005

April 28

Well, for some reason it is not allowing me to post pictures to the blog. I think it is a server issue and nothing with my process. I will continue my attempts to get the pics on here.

Today they secured the trusses above the livingroom and kitchen areas, and most of the second floor. The pictures are pretty exciting but it is much more exciting in person.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

More tomorrow~!!

It looks like the living room/kitchen ceiling will be high.. and I am happy.

April 27 - Today the trusses were delivered to the site. I hope they begin work on the roof tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Update: April 26th
I stopped by the house at lunchtime and did not see much done today. I ran upstairs briefly and noticed that some braces were put in place to better secure the 2nd floor walls. Other than that, there was nothing accomplished prior to 2pm PST. Maybe they are waiting for the trusses to arrive?!?! More tomorrow.........

Monday, April 25, 2005

That's it for today! I hope they begin with the trusses tomorrow - and when they do, I will be sure to post more pictures.

Kitchen looking up.....

Difficult to see, but this is looking down the hall towards the two bedrooms from the master bedroom.

From the master bedroom, this is looking down on the kitchen and living room. I hope the ceiling is as high as it looks.

Here is a view from the NW corner. You can see where the roof line will be. This should provide a high vaulted-ceiling between the living room and the kitchen. (I do not recall how high exactly)

April 25 - Today they framed all of the rooms and closets upstairs and it looks great!

Friday, April 22, 2005

April 22 - Finally, a view from the rear of the house. Too bad its Friday... I can't wait for Monday.

Looking down on the kitchen...

Master bedroom and bath - eventually.

And the view from the second floor is not bad.

April 22 - Looking down to the living room.

These bedroom windows face the east - and will deliver a bright sunrise each morning.

April 22 - The dining room deck door was reframed today to a slider, instead of a single door. This will bring lots of light to the kitchen and dining room areas.

April 22 - Today they built the staircase to the second floor and I was very happy to have the opportunity to check it out.

April 22 - This is the bedroom windows over the garage.

April 22 - Now this is getting exciting! Today they have started on the second floor. Some minor work was completed downstairs.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I forgot about this picture - this was taken in the morning at sun rise. I wanted to see the the mountains (Mt Stuart) light up with the morning sun. With snow on their peaks, they seems to rise even higher. Posted by Hello

April 21 - This is the rear of the house. I did not realize there would be a small overhang above the familyroom. Good spot for a deck eh? Posted by Hello

April 21 - Looking east out the garage. Posted by Hello

April 21 - Look up at the kitchen from the family room. There will also be a sliding glass door on the left which will lead to the patio.  Posted by Hello

The wall in the background is the door to the deck off the dining room. As you can see, it is a single door. Tomorrow it will be re-framed for a sliding glass door. We can always change it to something else later.  Posted by Hello

April 21 - From the kitchen looking out thru the living room. Posted by Hello

Another view.... Posted by Hello

April 21 - Things are moving fast now as all of the exterior walls are up (on the first floor) and today they began with the upper floor.  Posted by Hello

Livingroom - April 16 Posted by Hello

Living room with laundry and 1/2 bathroom on the left. April 16 Posted by Hello

Kitchen and dining area - April 16 Posted by Hello

And so, here is a shot a few days later on April 16th.  Posted by Hello

Although there is nothing to see here, I am going to be taking pictures from this very spot (a manhole cover) every couple days to document the progress. It should be cool to see all of them in a slide show once complete.  Posted by Hello

Looking north - also April 12th.  Posted by Hello

I was excited to see a tall crawl-space underneath the main floor. This area will be the kitchen and dining room - with a small deck in the back. It should provide a nice view for those days when it is not 100+ degrees outside.  Posted by Hello