While out of town on vacation, Stacie and I are anxiously awaiting Erica's arrival from Hawaii on Sunday. This picture is a view of Henderson Bay (near Gig Harbor) and a beautiful sunset. Wow... Bye!
I decided not to put cabinet doors on the bottom - for now. Erica returns from Hawaii this weekend and I want to get this in her new room! Good bye!
Here is the corner bookshelf I have been working on.. with about 6 coats of paint.
Looking south down the Columbia River
While returning from Moses Lake yesterday, I stopped and took a picture of the Columbia River and Crescent Bar in the background. Crescent Bar is where cousin Tracy's children were visiting a few weeks ago.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
A little closer... Bye!
Here is the new cabinet I am working on... thanks for the tips Dad!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Another great sunset!
The window seat is almost finished. Today we bought the foam and fabric... all I need to do now is seat the vent below. We hope Erica will like it!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Tonight's sunset..
While Stacie is away, I hope this picture of Princess will provide enough evidence that she has not died in my care - although the flash really freaked her out.
Today I finished sealing up the inside of the seat. Tomorrow I will work on the face and the lid. The inner vent path still needs to be resolved though.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Here is where I am finishing for the day.. Does it seem tall? Stacie wanted it higher than the outlet, so I put it at 24 inches. Bye for now!~
By the way, here is my new air compressor and guns. I got a sweet deal at Lowe's and I am glad I did - I have already fired off a hundred nails and it beats manual hammering.
More later..
Sorry for not updating the blog lately - since moving in I have been busy with unpacking and other projects. In fact, here is a picture of a window seat I am building for Erica's room. This will allow her more room to sit, read, or look out the window.