Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Erica's blog
In case you missed it, Erica posted a new message on her blog! Check it out...
A link to Erica's blog can also be found on the right ---->
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Update 1-20-08
Here is a brief video of the work from this weekend. First, the video camera was acting up so all of my videos were not captured. I was able to get some video of the (messy) interior and a clip of the visit from the kids.
My greatest objective was to get the snow off the roof and begin papering the sheathing. I did get about 40% of the roof covered in tar paper and it should be fine for now. At least it will stop the melting snow from falling on us while we warm by the fire.
Saturday night brought a wild blizzard to the area and I opted not to work. I did visit the cabin to grab the camera (since I left it there on Saturday) and the roof had another foot of snow on it. Jeez...
I'll hit it again next weekend! Later!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Saturday 1/19/08
I made it back to the cabin again after taking a holiday break..! I did take some videos of my work today but there isnt much to see just yet. Also, my camera was acting very weird and I thought it was pretty much dead - but she decided to work near the end of the day. Maybe it was frozen..?
Anyways, I started tar-papering the roof to help stop the water from dropping on us when the stove is on. I had to remove a least a foot of snow off the roof and it gave me a good work out. I was able to remove most all of the snow and got about 40% papered - including the ridge! I will be back tomorrow to finish things up.
Since I left the camera at the cabin, I am not able to upload anything for you tonight.
Thanks for visiting!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Cabin Update 1-4-08
Sorry for the late posts but I had too much video to edit from the holidays - and I was just procrastinating.