Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend Fun

This weekend was something else: plenty of sunshine, a 70 mile quad ride, finding a new cache, and a beautiful night at the cabin - and even a nice bon fire with Brats at the meadow. Stacie worked while Erica and I hit the cabin. We even got a load of wood delivered so the cabin was nice and warm all night.
Here is how it went... Saturday, Erica and I hopped on the quad and decided to go find the Island Lake Cache. We traveled north along Bitterroot Lake through the Lost Trail Wildlife Refuge to Island Lake. In the video below, we never got to video Island Lake as my camera died somewhere along the way. Oh well...

On our return trip home, we headed south toward Lost Prairie . This is the site where hundreds(?) of people come each year to skydive.
Lost Prairie Skydive Videos
From there we returned to the cabin and built a fire in the meadow. Too bad Stacie couldnt join us...

Oh yeah... I forgot about Sunday. After a late start (slept in), we rose and brought the horse trailer home with us from the property. Then we spent the rest of the day doing some riding and re-acquainting the horses to the trailer. My head, neck and face are sunburned!

With my camera dead, this is going to be my last video for a while.

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