Sunday, May 04, 2008

Another great day

This weekend was another great one. The weather was beautiful all weekend and we did spend some time outside. I didn't get any video of it but we saddled Brady for the first time. He even allowed me to mount him but as soon as I gave him a kick he started bucking. It was probably more of a hop and bounce with some mild kicking, but I went for a ride. Especially for a green-horn like me. After the bouncy ride I couldnt stop my legs from shaking. And Brady could also feel my shaking - only making matters worse. I ended on the best note I could with him... then got off!
High Def Video: Click here

Today, Erica, friend Alex, Stacie and I went geocaching around the valley. check out the video above!

The new camera is awesome!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your girls are adorable! It's also really neat to see your video of caches that we've also been too!

I came here via geocaching -> YouTube.