Friday, June 20, 2008

Back to work

Now that I have returned from sending Erica off to Hawaii, I can get things wrapped up on the cabin. I will be meeting Frank (local friend/builder) at the cabin so he can get the rest of the roof installed. Being an experienced builder, he does not have a problem with heights and will pound the roof out in no-time.. I think I am going to hire him to help with the siding as well.. yeah!

Stacie is still vacationing in WA and will return Wednesday morning. Last she called from Sumner/Puyallup and was out with her girlfriends. I do know that they went to Olive Garden for dinner. I had a bag of popcorn. I guess some of us are more fortunate than others.


Anonymous said...

yes I was with your wife and dinner was damn good!! What kind of popcorn was it!!! If it was the butter kind I am the one that missed out and you are the one that is more fortunate!!

You know who I am????????????????????????????????????????????


Eric said...

Thanks for your comment.... well, she may have had a 'damn good' dinner but I had some real Montana cuisine... popcorn and a Coors Light.. Boy howdy...
And of course I know who you are... I keep a close eye on everyone- including you...
Oh yeah, have you seen my wife???

Anonymous said...

I love Popcorn~~ lots of butter though~~
