Saturday, March 29, 2008


Today Erica and I went to the cabin to get things in order for our first stay-over planned for next weekend. Of course, the cabin is still 'work-in-progress' but we are ready to get out and enjoy the land.

Today I brought out some more insulation for the main floor, but the loft and ceiling still need to be done.I did not get it installed today but will tomorrow.

So, what did I do today? I went around with some cans of insulation foam to fill in any little holes. Then I found my hand-held tree saw and decided to limb some trees out front. And I continued..and continued. The view from the cabin was limited due to the heavy tree branch cover and I wanted to see more of the meadow.. but I did not want the cabin seen. I removed all of the limbs as high as I could reach (8') which allows for a better view of the meadow and wildlife. It really looks good! Tomorrow I will get some pictures for you to see..
Until then,

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